Monday, November 17, 2008


Bombing her only protection, Breaking down her wall she's under arrest and sudden disarm
Silenced and cuffed with a bracelet of charm
Surrendering, there she finds herself lying vertically under his firm arch shaped legs, she learns there's never a prefect triangle neither is the shape of a human heart and with tears she accepts her defeat
Imprisoned by the prospect of love

Behind the bars she prepares to be sentenced to a live of love and happiness, looking out through a window her only hope is what tomorrow brings, the next day, the future. But then when hidden in darkness she prepares to be subjected to pain, stress, tears, heartaches and strain THE FIGHT TO KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE!

She i the only prisoner or do i fight a secret a battle with other cellmates?

I'm innocent-Against the notion of love I've committed no crime, give me reason why I’ve been made prisoner. Let it be worth your time or set me free least I breakaway and never return or look behind.

LMP- Nifah B

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